Kathmandu,Nepal: In a heartbreaking development, three members of the same family lost their lives in the Saurya Airlines plane crash. The victims include Manuraj Sharma, a technician at Saurya Airlines, his wife Preeja Khatiwada, and their young son Adhiraj Sharma. The flight, which was en route from Kathmandu to Pokhara for crucial repairs, ended in tragedy.
Saurya Airlines Crash: 18 Dead, Pilot the Sole Survivor
Preeja Khatiwada, a computer operator at the Ministry of Energy, was the daughter of Prakash Khatiwada, the secretary of the publicity department of the CPN United Socialist Party and a former president of the Saptari Federation of Journalists. Manuraj had called Preeja before the flight, bringing both her and their son along.
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