Air India is set to open a pilot training school at Amravati’s Belora airport, with operations starting by April 2025. The initiative aims to train 180 pilots annually and involves a 200 crore investment, according to MADC vice-chairperson and managing director Swati Pandey.
This project, under the UDAAN Regional Connectivity scheme, will mark the first airline-licensed flight training school in India by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation. The Amravati airport infrastructure, currently being developed by MADC, is expected to be operational by July-August 2024.
Air India and MADC have signed a lease deed, confirming the collaboration. "The project will generate over 3,000 jobs in the aviation sector," Pandey stated. The facility will include 34 training aircraft, including three twin-seaters, digitally-enabled classrooms, hostels, a digitized operations centre, and a maintenance facility.
The new school will have the capacity to produce pilots logging over 36,000 flying hours annually, the highest compared to any other flying school in India. MADC will provide the runway, airport infrastructure, and land, while Air India will handle the deployment of training aircraft and other necessary infrastructure.
Amravati was chosen for its optimal airspace visibility and less congested air traffic, making it an ideal location for the training school. The airport will feature world-class standards, including an instrument landing system and night landing facilities.
This project is set to revolutionize the pilot training landscape in India and significantly contribute to the aviation industry's growth.
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