What information do airlines ask for when I apply for a job and why?


Airlines have set procedures to use when hiring for various positions. It is safe to say that flight crew recruitment is a bit more complicated than any other type of recruitment, given the amount of information, data and documents required by recruiters for these positions.

In this blog we will discuss what information and documents are required when applying for a flight crew position.

Application form

In addition to your CV, whether you are applying for a position directly with the airline or with an agent, such as Wings Recruitment, you will need to fill out one or more application forms. Each airline will have its own version of the application form, usually the information requested is the same. The most important sections of the application form are the flight time summary section and the employment history section.

Flight Hours Summary Section

In this section you will be asked to provide your total flight time, as well as a chronological breakdown of your hours by category and fleet of all types of aircraft you have flown in your aviation career.

In addition, you need to state the date of the last flight on each aircraft type and the date of the last simulator check on each type. This information is important to your application. Remember that the recruiter is looking to confirm that you meet the airline's minimum hour requirements, so take the time to make sure this is correct. It's a good idea to cross-check your log books to make sure the information is accurate and up to date.

Employment History Section

The application form will also ask you to list all of your employment history, including your current employment. When listing all of your employment history, provide as much detail as possible. Pilot CV tips and tricks for more tips on how to write your employment history Check out our Wings blog.


At the time of application, airlines will usually inform you what documents they need. These documents will be required to verify your qualifications and skills and also for licensing and immigration purposes (if you are applying for a position with a foreign airline).

You will be asked for copies of your licence, passport, first class medical and log book pages. Before forwarding these to the recruiter, check that you have scanned all relevant pages and that the images are of good quality and legible.

License verification letter and no accident incident report

A license verification letter confirms the details and validity of your license and ratings and is issued by the CAA of the country that issued the license.

Similarly, a No Accident Incident Report confirms that there is no history of accidents or incidents.
Both of these documents can be obtained from your CAA, the process will vary between countries so we recommend you contact your CAA for more details on how to obtain them.

reference letter

The reference letter is a very important document in the process. Ideally you will provide a recent letter of reference from your airline, confirming your category, fleet, hours and dates of employment with the airline.

Line check and simulator check reports

The airline will ask for copies of your final line check in type report and final simulator check in type report. These will need to be signed by the teacher. Some airlines will even ask to see a copy of your log book pages showing these.

No criminal record reported

The procedure for obtaining a criminal record report will vary from country to country, but usually it can be requested from a police officer or the Ministry of Justice. In addition to determining that the candidate is of good character, flight crew with a criminal record may not be able to perform their duties across international borders.

Need more?

At Wings Recruitment, our highly experienced flight crew recruitment consultants can help you with any queries you may have regarding how to obtain these documents and any other queries related to the recruitment process.

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